Discussion Questions- Alyssa Schall

1. Do you think he will find his "great perhaps"                                                                     and what do you think it will be?

2. How would you feel if you were going to                                                                            a boarding school?

3. What are your first impressions of Miles'                                                                        roommate, Chip Martin?

4. Are you a sock/ T-shirt drawer person,                                                                              or all in one?

5. Why do you think they all have                                                                                     weird nicknames?

6. Do you think that Pudge (Miles) is going to                                                                      get himself in serious trouble soon?

7. Why do you think the Swan attacks people?

8. Do you think Alaska likes Pudge or will like him?

9. Do you like the book so far? Why or why not?

10. What do you think will happen next?

Discussion Questions- Val L.

1. Do you think that Alaska wants to die or plans on dying soon?

2. Do you think something will happen between Lara and Pudge?

3. Why would the school have different jurys?

4. How come Alaska doesn't stop smoking when she knows that she will get caught.

5. What do you think of Lara?

6. Why do you think Alaska skipped class?

7. Do you think that Pudge likes Alaska and vis versa?

8. Why do you think Pudge didn't want to go home for Thanksgiving? 

 Sara T. pages 101-140

1) What do you think the call Alaska got was about?

2) Why do you think that the swan bite burned so much?

3) Do you think that Pudge and Lara will still go out after what happend to Alaska?

4) Where do you think that they got the 30 strings of fire crackers?

5) Why did Alaska finally decide to tell people what happend to her mother?

6) Why do you think that Alaska wanted to play truth or dare with Pudge and the Colonel?

7) What do you think the Weekday Warriors will do when they find out about the letters that were sent home? 

8) What do you think made Pudge want to go out with Lara in the first palce?



Jenni Li


1) Does Alaska's boyfriend really love her?

2) Do you think Pudge cares more for Alaska than her boyfriend?

3) What reasons might she have that she would want to commit sucicide?

4) Do you think it could have been an accident?

5) Why do you think Pudge and Colonel helped Alaska when they knew it could have been dangerous?

6) Do you think Eagle would have noticed a car driving off?

7) Where do you think Alaska was driving to?

8) How would you feel if you were in Pudge and Colonel's shoes?




Rae-Ann Westergaard pages 201-221

1) Will they find a meaningful lead to the reasons of Alaska's Death?

2)Will their final prank fall through?

3)Will they really solve Alaska's death?

4)What did they mean by that it is pure because Alaska is dead?

5)Does energy unable to be created and destroyed related to life saying that it can not be created or destroyed? 

6)What is the other side? is it beautiful?

7)Do our lives ever end?

8)Was anyone really at fault for Alaska'a death?

9)The mysteries of life will they ever be answers or will they always be a mystery until one really experiences death?

10)Is there really any such thing as death or just being born?

11)Is there really any such thing as an answer?

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