
Pudge was confused, left out, misunderstood, sad, and guilty. When People him talk about thing he just can’t understand or know he feels confused. Alaska doesn’t understand that he likes her more than a friend and keeps saying that she loves her boyfriend he feels misunderstood and sad a little angry to. When Alaska start giving him all these signs he misunderstands, and gets frustrated that she can’t see how he really feels about her.  When Colonel and Alaska Plan the Prank and leave him out of the conversation and don’t tell him any thing he feels left out curious, he says to himself that he doesn’t care he is lying.

Pudge feels guilty about ditching his parents on Thanksgiving. Pudge is concerned about getting caught and his parents finding out about it. He wants to be able to now what the consequences are so he is prepared. He Follows Alaska and the Colonel around because he wants to fit in and he finally has friends. He also doesn’t want to get in trouble with the other student their.