Well... I got to my room and I expected it to be alot nicer... It looked like a motel room. It didn't even have AC. I met my room mate, Chip is his name, but he goes as Colonel because of a prank he played. He's short, only five feet but built and muscular. He's very smart, even though he doesn't come from a rich family. Colonel told me all about the rules here. About these kids that are "weekend warriors." Kids that are rich and leave on weekends or something. He hates them, even though his girl friend is one.. He introduced me to Alaska, this girl that is petite but curvy. She is probably the hottest girl on the planet! She has a boyfriend though. Alaska is very bubbily and talkative, not mention extremely attractive. Colonel also nnick named me Pudge. "Pudge... Because you're skinny? It's called sarcasm.." - Colonel